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Monday 19 December 2016


Akpos , who had paid for exam runs was full of expectation on the day of the exam. One hour into the exam, he was yet to receive solution from the person.As time was running out, he resulted to Plan B; that is, to copy the person beside him. Lucky enough, the girl beside him was almost through. As a sharp guy, Akpos did not waste time. He started copying everything directly into his answer booklet. The girl got to know and yelled at him. Akpos was really embarrassed. Just in time, his phone beeped; it was a text message. Surely, it’s from d machinery. With annoyance, he stood up, tore his answer script, squeeze and threw it at the girl.
“A whole me, copy you! God forbid.” Akpos said as he requested for another answer script. It was ten minute to submission.
Akpos gallantly sat down, brought out his phone to copy the solution sent to him.
Lo and behold, the message reads: To DOWNLOAD GBESE By LIL KESH, Text YEAH to 149....

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